Thursday, November 22, 2007

woohoo 1 week

Does eveyone know what today is? Thats right its been one week of blogging everyday yippeee for me. Today was a bit of a mess cos due to me being less disiplined went for a longer lunch and thus wrecked my days plans which just shows me that i need to work on disipline to stick to my day plan. But tonights class was great we learnt all about the praticalities of wealth creation and im happy to announce that yesterday i started my PYF fund and when it reaches $1000 i will be investing it into a managed fund so that ill be on my way yay for me. Also tonight was a good night because I built more raport with a classmate of mine Karlene and found that we both own macs and cna share info on them how cool. I can now confidently say that she is a freind and not a classmate. Wow that sounded harsh but wasnt meant to be a mean wasy i mean i have always liked her just now see her more as a freind then just someone that i go to class with. Hope that cleared that up. LOL. Well thats about it for today im gunna go relax and do a bit of sorting out of some stugff that needs doing and todays isnt so much a funny quote as it is a lawyer asking a question befor he thinks hope you all enjoy.

Lawyer: "Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?"
Witness: "By death."
Lawyer: "And by whose death was it terminated?"

Ok well thats all for tonght guys have a great night and as always will be blogging again tommorow.

1 comment:

Ms Zane said...

*yahoo* for one week! You totally rock!

It's cool that you and Karleene got chatting - she's lovely isn't she. Actually did you get her number??? I have a present for her but I forgot to give it to her on Sunday.

Best part of your blog - PYF FUND!! You'll be a little millionaire like me in no time...
