Monday, November 26, 2007

Still sinking in

Today everything has still been sinking in. Like ive finnished my course and im not going to see all my new freinds every tuesday thursday and sunday and im going to be a personal trainer. Its all like wow its really happening and still sinking in so been a very weird day indeed. Other then that i saw and old freind i havent seen in ages and we caught up a bit and have all in all had a relaxing day. Todays funn is thanx to George W. Bush

"Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness." -- George W. Bush

well thats all for today. cya


Ms Zane said...

Yes - you are going to be the worlds best Executive Master Trainer!!! *woohoo* now get out there quit that job and get training!

scrapwitch said...

hi ther tony...found your link on zanes blog...
congrates on finishing your course...good luck with all thats coming up..have a fun time when you graduate..
and please give zane a hug for me
cause i miss her so much